30+ year campaign of IJmuiden blast furnace No. 6
Tata Steel’s blast furnace No. 6 of in IJmuiden was blown-in in April 1986 after a full reline and improvements to the lining cooling and top charging systems. The hearth design from the 1970s was only marginally changed and the air cooling of the bottom and spray cooling of the […]
‘step up’: reducing steel’s carbon footprint
Given that steel produces between 7 % and 9% of global CO2 emissions, the industry is clearly part of the problem. However, it is also part of the solution. Steelmakers around the world are investing large amounts of money in research and development in a diverse suite of technologies in […]
Improved coil side trim quality control with Unilux Edge Tech
Edge trimming of steel coils during processing is standard practice, however, unless edge quality can be continuously monitored, the time delay between a deterioration and rectification can result in excessive amounts of rework or even scrap.
The way towards the learning steel plant
The steel industry now finds itself in the age of digitalisation. High plant availability, consistent plant conditions, and maximum product quality are key factors when it comes to optimum plant operation. Today, it is increasingly important not only to produce efficiently but also in a resourcesaving and sustainable manner.
Ideal bearings for cost-optimised operation of continuous casting machines
Schaeffler offers steel manufacturers a practical and future-oriented solution with its sealed spherical and cylindrical roller bearings for continuous caster support rollers, suitable for both new and existing caster designs. The use of sealed bearings enables longer caster runtimes and lower operating costs, which contributes to more environmentally friendly steel […]
High temperature baking-resistant Cr-free passivation coating for aluminised steel
Inorganic CrIII passivation or organic Cr-free passivation/TOC are commonly applied on aluminised steel coils to further enhance corrosion resistance. However, the poor machinability of inorganic CrIII passivation and poor baking resistance of organic Cr-free passivation/TOC coating limit their application. Henkel has, therefore, developed a new inorganic Cr-fee passivation coating, BONDERITE […]
Steel production and CO2 emissions: a growing global concern for manufacturers?
The world steel industry is a major emitter of greenhouse gases but is strenuously increasing its efforts to decarbonise through development of lower CO2 emitting processes and increased recycling of both steel products and steelworks’ so-called ‘by-products’. Harsco has been involved in recycling and by-product management for many years, working […]
MIDA endless and direct casting and rolling: the Danieli way to energy efficiency and CO2 reduction
Danieli’s minimills based on MIDA endless and direct casting and rolling processes are now well established worldwide, providing greater productivity, lower capital and operating costs and lower greenhouse gas emissions than hitherto possible. The technology and plant examples are described.
Energiron – effectively decreasing CO2 emissions in steelmaking
Energiron direct reduction technology complies with the world’s strictest environmental regulations, producing signifi cantly less CO2 than alternative processes. It also allows the products generated during the reducing reactions of iron ores to be used as by-products.
From liquid steel to rolling: concepts and applications for higher efficiency and zero waste
Green technologies are those that reduce emissions, waste by-products and resource consumption; increased process efficiency directly results in decreasing energy consumption and resource utilisation. Danieli has a long record of environmental achievements and process developments; concepts and examples are described.