Contribution of higher strength steels towards a sustainable built environment
As global crude steel production steadily increases towards the two billion tonnes mark, it remains one of the most widely used materials on the planet. According to the World Steel Association, the construction sector is one of the most important steel using industries accounting for more than 50% of world […]
Advancing use of hydrogen as fuel in steelmaking
Energy efficiency improvements resulting from oxyfuel combustion, with fossil fuel savings of 20% to 60%, offer immediate CO2 reductions with low capital expenditure commitments on several processes. Proven oxyfuel based solutions can reduce the steel industry’s CO2 emissions by 200Mt/yr and are now getting ready for using hydrogen.
Energiron direct reduction technology: ecological and economic green steel solutions
The steel industry is integral to the global circular economy and thus to the successful delivery and maintenance of a sustainable future. Steel really is a ‘green’ material, since it is infinitely recyclable and its byproducts and waste energy are valuable resources.
Advanced blast furnace decarbonization with Paul Wurth and SMS group technology
The majority of steel produced around the world today comes from the primary Blast Furnace-Basic Oxygen Furnace (BF-BOF) route. This technology has been around in its present form since the 1950s and has been refined ever since, reducing the amount of coking coal used from 1,100kg to 350kg per ton […]
Green steel: Leaving carbon behind
Steel, with its high strength-to-weight ratio, recyclability and relatively low production costs, will remain invaluable for various sectors for decades to come. Yet, as the realities of climate change around the globe bring heavy industries under increased scrutiny, the iron and steel industry is being pressed to transform based on […]
Waste heat recovery: Converting heat to power
Waste heat generated from the steel production process is extracted to produce power through waste heat recovery. The optimal design of a steam turbine enables customers to operate integrated steel plant efÞciently, leading to sustainable manufacturing.
Equipment for bulk materials stockyards: use of blending bed technology for efficient charge material preparation
SCHADE Lagertechnik has been operating since 1879 and is internationally renowned for the design and supply of equipment for bulk material stockyards and blending beds for all industries. The company, based in Gelsenkirchen, Germany, has been a member of the AUMUND Group since 2001.
NOx emission from the hot blast system: formation, effects and the possibilities for its reduction
The environmental footprint of the production of iron and steel is well known by the industry and in general large improvements have been made in this Þeld over the past decades [1]. However, in many places iron and steel companies are still a significant source of water and air pollution.
The induction furnace for carbon neutral steel production of the future
Germany and the European Union aim to be CO2 neutral by 2050. At the same time, there is shortterm pressure to take actions on account of the target to reduce emissions to 45% of 1990 levels by 2030.
Application of technology to improve safety at the EAF, by eliminating human operation
The steel melting process in an electric arc furnace (EAF) is a complex set of tasks, coping with highly dangerous hazards as fire, explosions, uncontrolled reactions, hot metal projections, and gas or dust emissions.