- 2 October 2023
- October 2023
The most modern SBQ rolling mill will operate in Mexico
TYASA orders Danieli 350,000-tpy, green-field SBQ rolling mill featuring “The Drawer” sizing mill
TYASA has contracted Danieli for the supply of a new 350,000 tpy green-field SBQ rolling mill, to be installed in Ixtaczoquitlán, Veracruz state, Mexico, at the premises where approx. 1.5 Mtpy of long and flat products are produced.
The new plant –which will include a reheating furnace, a hot-rolling mill, inspection, conditioning and peeling lines, and a water-treatment plant– will process 140-mm square billets and 180- and 310-mm round blooms produced at the same site, into finished products.
The super-flexible rolling mill, fed by a 70-tph walking-beam reheating furnace, consists of a shiftable-reversible break-down stand, 12 continuous housing-less stands, and a four-pass, four-roll sizing mill –The Drawer– ensuring tolerances up to 1/8 DIN for rounds, squares and flats.
The mill, featuring the provisions for the in-line Low-Temperature Rolling LTR process, will include a rake-type cooling bed with pack-annealing, heat-retaining hoods to be used based on process requirements, and full independent finishing facilities.
Final mill products will include rounds from 13 to 105 mm dia; flats from 63 to 102 mm; and rebars from 9.5 to 38 mm will be available in bundles with final lengths from 4-6 to 12 m, for automotive, construction, engineering, and energy applications.
The new plant will be driven by Danieli Automation process control, instrumentation, and power systems.
On-site training and advisory services for the complete technological supply are part of the package selected by TYASA.
The new green-field plant is expected to be put into operation by mid-2025.
or more info:
Lodovicomaria Miani
+39 3407172774